cell fractionation

Cards (6)

  • Homogenization
    Breaking up the tissue and breaking open the cells
  • Cell fractionation
    1. Take tissue sample
    2. Homogenize tissue
    3. Centrifuge at low speed
    4. Transfer supernatant to new tube
    5. Centrifuge at higher speed
    6. Transfer supernatant to new tube
    7. Centrifuge at very high speed
  • Cell organelles
    • Nucleus (largest)
    • Mitochondria
    • Lysosomes
    • Ribosomes (smallest)
  • Endoplasmic reticulum is a very large organelle but tends to get broken up during homogenization
  • It is extremely difficult to separate the organelles fully, so fractions may contain small amounts of other organelles
  • Pellets need to be kept on ice to slow down enzymes and prevent damage to organelles