Effects of Tobacco Smoke on Human Health

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  • Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke - Nicotine
    • increases heart rate and blood pressure
    • increases risk of blood cloys in the arteries, which leads to increased risk of coronary heart disease
    • increases the risk of arteries to narrow - in a pregnant mother, narrow arteries decrease the amount of food substances reaching the fetus, affecting development and may cause miscarriage
  • Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke - Carbon monoxide
    • reduces the ability of blood to transport oxygen as carbon monoxide binds permanently with haemoglobin. Thus less haemoglobin is available to transport oxygen - in a pregnant mother, less oxygen reaches the fetus through the placenta which may affect fetal development
    • increases risk of coronary heart disease
  • Chemicals in Tobacco Smoke - Tar
    • increases risk of cancer in the lungs as tar can cause uncontrolled cell division
    • increases risk of chronic bronchitis and emphysema as tar paralyses the cilia lining in the air passages. Dust particles become trapped in the mucus lining and cannot be removed
  • Chronic Bronchitis
    • prolonged exposure to irritant particles that are found in tobacco smoke may cause chronic bronchitis
    • the epithelium lining of the air passages become inflamed
    • excessive mucus is secreted by the epithelium
    • the cilia on the epithelium become paralysed, mucus and dust particles cannot be removed
    • air passages become blocked, making breathing difficult
    • in order to breathe, persistent coughing occurs to clear the air passages, increasing the risk of lung infections
  • Emphysema
    • persistant and violent coughing due to bronchitis may lead to emphysema
    • the partition walls between the alveoli break down due to persistent and violent coughing
    • decreased surface area for gaseous exchange
    • lungs lose their elasticity and become inflated with air
    • breathing becomes difficult, causing wheezing and severe breathlessness
    • when a person has chronic bronchitis and emphysema, they are said to suffer from chronic obstructive lung disease
  • Lung Cancer
    • risk of lung cancer increases when a person smokes tobacco
    • cancer is the uncontrollable division of cells producing outgrowths or lumps of tissues
    • tobacco also increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, pancreas, kidney and urinary bladder