Cards (13)

  • Evaluative standards for measuring employees’ success or failure (typically performance-related in I/O)
  • All aspects of performance that define success on a job, the theoretical construct that we develop as guide or goal to shoot for in measuring performance success
    Ultimate Criterion
  • Our best real-world representation of the ultimate criterion and what we use in reality
    Actual Criterion
  • Degree to which actual criterion relates to ultimate criterion (the overlap)
  • Stuff in the ultimate measure not included in actual measure
    Criterion Deficiency
  • Stuff measured by actual criterion that is not part of the ultimate measure
    Criterion Contamination
  • Degree to which individual can perform job tasks central to a specific job
    Job-specific Task Proficiency
  • Consistency and persistence in an individual’s work effort
    Demonstrating Effort
  • No substance abuse
    Maintaining Personal Discipline
  • Equally weight different criteria (2) Weight criteria based on importance, weight criteria differently based on decision being made

    Composite Criterion
  • Performance levels change over time
    Dynamic Criteria
  • Hard, nonjudgmental criteria taken from organizational records not supposed to involve any subjective judgments
    Objective Criteria
  • Soft, judgmental criteria that measures based on rankings/ratings or evaluations of others rather than on counting objective constructs
    Subjective Criteria