Contains genetic material in form of DNA<|>Chromosomes store information inherited from organism's parents<|>Controls all cellular activities<|>Needed for cell division
Contains a green pigment called chlorophyll<|>Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight energy and uses it for photosynthesis<|>Contains starch grains (tiny pieces of starch)
Place where anaerobic reactions take place (chemical reaction that uses oxygen to break down glucose to release energy for cell to use)<|>Function as power house of a cell
Unicellular<|>Have cell wall made up of peptidoglycan<|>Circular DNA<|>Have plasmid (small circular molecules of DNA)<|>Some have flagellum (allow it to move)<|>No chloroplast, nucleus & mitochondria<|>Ribosomes are used in protein synthesis
Red blood cells are highly specialised cells that lack a nucleus, allowing them to carry more haemoglobin for oxygen absorption and delivery to tissues