8. Liver and Gallbladder - Alcon

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  • Hepatic macrophage system serve as blood cleansing function
    • blood flow passing through intestinal capillaries will pick up bacteria
  • Kupffer cell - macrophage that line the hepatic venous sinuses
    • Function - clean blood as it passes through the sinuses
  • Liver has high blood flow and low vascular resistance
  • Liver function as blood reservoir - it is expandable organ
  • If portal system is block - will lead to portal hypertension
    • return of blood will be impeded
  • what type of vitamin is stored the most in the liver?
    vit A
  • iron in the body is stored in the liver in the form of ferritin
  • apoferritin is iron carrying protein
  • the liver detoxifies many drugs into bile
  • liver damage can lead to accumulation of endocrine hormones
  • first pass effect is often associated with the liver, as this is a major site of drug metabolism
  • First-Pass Effect - results in a reduced concentration of the active drug
  • liver possesses a remarkable ability to restore itself after significant hepatic tissue loss except if infected by virus or inflammation
  • during liver regeneration - hepatocytes are estimated to replicated
  • When liver parenchymal cells are destroyed, they are replaced with fibrous tissue - can cause decrease of blood flow
  • Common cause of cirrhosis - chronic alcoholism or excess fat accumulation in the liver
  • increase serum aminotransferases = damage to tissue
    • allow ALT or AST to leak into serum
  • ALT - will be detected in the blood if there is liver damage
  • increase ALP = cholestatic disorder
  • GGT levels is to identify the source of an isolated elevation in the serum ALP level
    • high in people who drinks alcohol
  • Serum Albumin - marker of hepatic synthetic function with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
  • what is an unreliable marker of hepatic synthetic function in acute liver injury?
    serum albumin
  • Most useful of acute liver disease?
    Prothrombin Time (PT)