Cards (22)

  • Spatial patterns and dimensions
    Location, latitude, Extent (size & shape) and continuity
  • Size
    • Length is 2300 km
    • 2900 reefs
    • 900 islands
    • Covers an area of 348 700 km2
  • Shape
    • Fringing Reefs
    • Barrier Reefs
    • Atolls
    • Patch Reefs
    • Ribbon Reefs
  • Extent
    • Length is 2300 km
    • 2900 reefs
    • 900 islands
    • Covers
    • Covers an area of 348 700 km2
  • Atmosphere
    Temperature, Wind, Precipitation
  • Temperature
    • Ideal: 27-32℃
    • Too low: Zooxanthellae cannot produce the limestone
    • Too hot: Zooxanthellae will leave the coral polyp (loose energy) = causing a bleaching event
  • Wind
    • Aeolian erosion → shape indiv reefs
    • Influence wave formation & currents
    • Influence areas of coral growth
  • Precipitation
    • Tropical location = extensive rain
    • Needs high salinity (salt)
    • Too much isn't good for coral growth: needs clear water free from chemicals & low turbidity to grow
    • Freshwater pools on top of coral (less dense than salt water)
  • Earth Movements
    • Subsidence: Sinking of Earth's lithosphere, happened 2x, The rate of subsidence & sea level changes = determine reef growth over time
    • Hydro-isostasy: Type of subsidence, Lithosphere is depressed by the weight of the overlaying water/ ice & rises/springs up again when that weight is removed
    • Rifting: A place where the Earth's crust is being pulled apart = form valleys, Creates depth of water required for optimal coral growth
  • Continental Drift
    Theory: continents of the Earth move gradually over a layer of liquid rock (molten rock) underneath the earth's surface, Allowed for the reefs to move to warmer waters = key optimal growth factor
  • Weathering & Erosion
    • Chemical Weathering: Coral reef is made of CALCIUM CARBONATE -limestone, Coral surfaces are eroded by the Carbonic Acid in the rain = form rills & channels, Rainwater & carbon dioxide form rills and channels, Makes new substance
    • Mechanical Weathering: Location in ocean makes them subject to Large waves & strong winds, Break apart & move large areas of coral
    • Biological: Parrotfish physically break apart the coral & move them as they browse, Worm species tunnel through corals using acid secretions, weakening the structure
  • Hydrosphere
    • Currents: Move sediment weathered & eroded from other areas to be deposited onto the reef to form islands, cays etc, Bring tiny organisms called zooplankton → help feed the variety of life, Determine water movements
    • Flow of Water: Millions of tiny air bubbles in waves that crash on the edge of reefs = provide oxygen for optimal coral growth, Powerful force of waves can break off & transport coral pieces, Grow best when there is high wave energy = creates more oxygen
  • Biodiversity
    • Large biodiversity: 2000 fish species, 500 coral species
    • High degree of specialisation & endemic species
    • Contains every environmental relationship: symbiosis, parasitism, predation & competition
  • Polyps
    Primitive organisms containing a digestive sac/stomach & an outer skeleton of limestone, Pulls food into mouth via tentacles, Symbiotic relationship: zooxanthellae lives in, Each reef begins with a single polyp which reproduces by itself to create a colony, Polyps die: limestone skeleton remains on which new corals form, Photosynthesises
  • Invasion
    Crown-of-thorns Starfish Infestation: Predator → Feeds on living coral tissue, Stomach eversion: Pulls it stomach out through its mouth over coral polyps, Releases digestive juices onto coral, Attracts more starfish, Leaves a white coral skeleton, Caused large-scale coral destruction
  • Succession
    Coral reefs are built up of old coral on top of each other → succession process: coral spawning, Primary Succession: Organisms invade, colonise, grow, Secondary Succession: Replace
  • Optimal conditions for Coral Growth
    • Shallow water
    • Warm temp:
    • High Salinity & Oxygen levels
  • Human impacts (positive and negative)

    Coral bleaching: Increase in sea temp, symbiotic relationship between coral polyp & zozo breaks down = expel algae = loose colour
    boats - oil spills & rubbish.
    Moorings & anchors destroy coral
    Water-based: snorkelling: divers swim to close to corals & break them
  • Contemporary Management
  • Traditional Mangement

    • Totesim identifies a person or group with a plant or animal species
    • Diamond stingray (Yama) is the totem of the Wuthathi tribe
    • Prevented them from killing or eating their totem and sourced a variety of other food sources
    • Intragenerational equity was limited
    • Performed rites to ensure the continued proliferation of their totemic species,
    • 50 shark species that are still present today.
    • Sharks are a totem of the Meriam people from Murray Islands
  • GBR Contemporary Management - Commerical Zones
    planned sustainable use of fishing & tourism activities
    • endanger species Largetooth Sawfish
    • Generating $6.4 billion tourism annually
    • 2004: 59,000 recreational vessels
    • Release petrol & oil spills --> contaminate water
  • GBR Contemporary Management - Green Zones

    GBR Marine Park Authority: The Park Zoning Plan 
    Scientific zones, general zones, green zones and commercial zones. 
    The green zones: Green zones safeguard vulnerable species, enabling scientific research
    • fish species to grow without disruption, contributing to the substantial growth found in a study between 1983 and 2012 of the length, density and biomass of coral trout in zoned areas.