Method of measuring heat energy released or absorbed in a chemical or physical process.
2 types
Solution Calorimetry?
Reactants in a solution.
When temperature of water increases, reaction was EXOTHERMIC
When temperature of water decreases, reaction was ENDOTHERMIC
Pro and Con of Solution Calorimetry?
Cannot measure energy content of fuel from combustion
CAN measure solutions ie: Acid/Bases, Metals/Acid, Glucose/water, Solids/water
Reason for Calibration of Calorimeters?
Because heat loss occurs, so this calibration allows us to account for it.
What is Calibration Factor (CF)?
The energy required to change temperature by 1°C
Measured in Joules/°C
How does electrical calibration work?
Put in a certain amount of energy, and measure change in temp.
energy (J) = Volts * amps * time (sec)
Equation for calibration factor?
How does chemical calibration work?
Performing a chemical reaction of KNOWN thermal energy quantity. So you know how much the temperature SHOULD change by (if perfect insulation) and compare that to how much it ACTUALLY changes by (in a prac)
Specific heat capacity?
The amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of a specific quantity of substance by 1°C