
Cards (8)

  • Transactions - daily
    Source Documents - daily
    Journal - daily
    Ledgers - daily/monthly
    Trail Balance - monthly
    Year end adjustment
  • Year end Adjustments are:
    • Fixing up the ledger
    • Adjustments must have a debit & credit
  • There are 4 accounts involving year end adjustments:
    1. Accured Income
    2. Income Recieved in Advance
    3. Prepaid Expense
    4. Accured Expense
  • Accured Income is an asset
  • Accured Income is when somebody owes the business money
  • Income recieved in advance is a liability and it is when someone pays the business in advance
  • Prepaid expense is an asset and it is when the business pays in advance
  • Accrued Expense is a liability that we have not paid