Layers and Composition

Cards (17)

  • There are two types of crust?
    Continental (Older) and Oceanic (Younger).
  • It can be divided into upper and lower mantle, separated by the?
    Repetti discontinuity
  • The core begins at mantle-core boundary, is called? Located at the 2,900 km depth.
    Gutenberg discontinuity
  • The Core's composition comprises some?
    Fe-Ni (iron and nickel) alloy
  • (Means "stone") Thick and brittle layer comprising the entire crust and uppermost layer of the upper mantle?
  • ( Means "weak”) Mechanically weak layer consisting of the lower portion of the upper mantle?
  • The upper mantle comprises an Mg- and Fe-rich rock called ___?
  • (Means “middle”) Beneath the asthenosphere is the ___ ?
  • The dominant rock type in this layer is a silicate rock called ___?
  • The outer core is only one made out of liquid-___, to be exact.
    Melted Fe-Ni alloy
  • The outer-inner core boundary is also known as the ___?
    Lehmann discontinuity
  • The overwhelming pressure in this layer forces the inner core to be?
    Solid ball of mostly Fe
  • Fill up the Blanks
    A) LIthosphere
    B) Asthenosphere
    C) Mesosphere
    D) (Rigid)
    E) (Plastic)
    F) (Solid)
    G) (Liquid)
    H) (Solid)
    I) (Iron and Nickel)
    J) (Silicates)
    K) (Silicates)
  • Contrary to popular belief of Asthenosphere, it is not a?
    Sea of molten rock
  • Inner core are similar to the temperatures of the surface of the Sun—around more than?
  • The Earth can be subdivided into layers based on two criteria?
    Composition (density) differences and physical properties.
  • The boundary between crust and mantle is called the?
    Mohorovičić discontinuit