Depositional Environments, Landforms, and Waterforms

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  • An essential part of depositional environments, geological process in which earth materials are weathered and transported.
  • These earth materials are then “added” to an environment or landform in a process.
  • Land and water forms in this environment can be found on land and usually involve freshwater.
    Terrestrial Environments
  • Represent the interface between land and sea. It is here where freshwater meets with seawater.
    Transitional Environments
  • Here are some depositional environments that fall under transitional environments:
    • Beach: where land meets the sea in shallow waters
    • Deltaic: where the river flows into the sea; freshwater mixes with seawater
    • Tidal flat: low-lying areas affected by tides
    • Lagoonal: a small body of water closed off from a larger body of water (the ocean)
    Associated landforms and waterforms:
    • Deltas: end of the mouth of a river. 
    • Wetlands: near rivers or coastlines. 
    • Marshes: soft-stemmed vegetation.
    • Swamps: trees dominate plant life.
  • Here are some depositional environments that fall under this category:
    • Fluvial: rivers and streams
    • Eoliandeserts and arid environments 
    • Alluvial: mountainous environments
    • Glacial: ice caps and glaciers
    • Lacustrine: lakes
    Associated landforms and waterforms:
    • Mountains 
    • Hills
    • Valley: plains can occur between two mountains.
    • Plateau: plain is relatively elevated than the surrounding land.
    • Desserts 
    • Glacial environments
    • Rivers 
    • Drainage basins
  • These environments can be found in the open waters, from the shallow depths to the deepest portions of the ocean.
    Marine Environments
  • Here are examples of MARINE environments:
    • Shallow marine/reefal: a region where sunlight penetrates the water; high energy environment and teeming with life
    • Continental shelf: extensions of continental crust submerged by water
    • Continental slope: steep slope between the shallow continental shelf and the deep ocean basin
    • Deep marine: a region where sunlight does not reach; low energy environment
    Associated landforms and waterforms:
    • Oceans
    • Seas
    • Atolls: partial rings of coral.
    • Guyots: with flat tops formed by volcanic.