
Cards (57)

  • Document Object Model (DOM)
    The data representation of the objects that comprise the structure and content of a document on the web
  • The DOM represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content
  • The DOM represents the document as nodes and objects so that programming languages can connect to the page
  • JavaScript
    An interpreted language (with JIT support) where each browser has its own JavaScript engine which executes our Client-side scripts
  • "Browser Wars" have ensued in recent years, resulting in a vast increase in the performance of Client-side JavaScript
  • JavaScript Engines
    • Google Chrome - V8 Engine
    • Microsoft Edge - Chakra Engine
    • Mozilla Firefox - Spidermonkey Engine
    • Apple Safari - JavaScript Core (Nitro)
  • Client-side scripting
    Allows us to create more responsive web applications
  • Major uses of Client-side JavaScript
    • Responding to UI events (clicks, hovers, focus)
    • Client-side validation (e.g. form processing)
    • Injecting/Modifying HTML content on the fly using the DOM
    • Dynamically changing the look/feel of HTML elements by controlling the CSS styling
    • Animations/Fades/Transitions
  • What JavaScript can do
    • Change all the HTML elements in the page
    • Change all the HTML attributes in the page
    • Change all the CSS styles in the page
    • Remove existing HTML elements and attributes
    • Add new HTML elements and attributes
    • React to all existing HTML events in the page
    • Create new HTML events in the page
  • JavaScript data types
    • Core data types: number, string, Boolean, array, object, function
    • Browser/DOM types: Document, Event, HTMLElement, Window
    • User-defined types
  • JavaScript is a dynamically typed language
  • We include our JavaScript libraries first, and then any custom JS file(s)
  • Ways to access HTML elements with JavaScript
    • Finding by id
    • Finding by tag name
    • Finding by class name
    • Finding by CSS selectors
  • querySelector and querySelectorAll
    Newer, all-in-one methods to select elements
  • DOM Manipulation using JavaScript (EVENTS)
    1. getAttribute()
    2. setAttribute()
    3. appendChild()
    4. append()
    5. prepend()
    6. removeChild()
    7. remove()
    8. createElement()
    9. innerText
    10. innerHTML
    11. style
    12. value
  • JavaScript runs inside a sandbox, so it has limited access to our machine resources
  • Resources JavaScript has access to
    • Window
    • Navigator
    • Screen
    • Location
  • JavaScript Display Possibilities
    • Writing into an HTML element, using innerHTML
    • Writing into the HTML output using document.write()
    • Writing into an alert box, using window.alert()
    • Writing into the browser console, using console.log()
  • JQuery
    A JavaScript Library that simplifies DOM Traversal, searching and manipulation
  • Document.ready function
    Prevents code from executing before the initial DOM has been built
  • $() function
    Represents a selector in the same way as querySelector or getElementByID
  • Useful JQuery Selectors
    • $("p") - select all paragraphs
    • $("img") - select all images
    • $(".anExample") - select all HTML elements using class "anExample"
    • $("#yetAnother") - select the HTML element with id "yetAnother"
  • Features
    • DOM Selection
    • DOM Manipulation
    • Special Effects
    • Event Handling
    • AJAX
    • Cross browser support
  • DOM Selection
    Provide selectors to retrieve DOM elements
  • DOM Manipulation
    Manipulate DOM elements using various jQuery functions: adding or removing elements, modifying html/css contents
  • Special Effects

    Show/Hide elements, fade-in/out, sliding, animations
  • Event Handling
    Include functions for DOM events
  • AJAX
    Includes AJAX functions to load data from server without reloading whole page
  • The major feature of jQuery is the simplification of DOM Traversal, searching and manipulation, using its $ syntax
  • Document.ready function
    The starting point for all jQuery code to be integrated into your website (whether its Static or Dynamic, jQuery doesn't care...)
  • Useful jQuery Selectors
    • $("p") - select all paragraphs
    • $("img") - select all images
    • $(".anExample") - select all HTML elements using class "anExample"
    • $("#yetAnother") - select the HTML element which uses id "yetanother"
  • DOM Manipulation Methods
    • text()
    • html()
    • val()
    • attr()
  • text()
    Sets or returns the text content of selected elements
  • html()
    Sets or returns the content of selected elements (including HTML markup)
  • val()
    Sets or returns the value of form fields
  • attr()
    Used to get and set attribute values
  • css()

    Sets or returns one or more style properties for the selected elements
  • To return the value of a specified CSS property, use css("propertyname");
  • To set a CSS Property, use css("propertyname","value");
  • To set multiple CSS Properties, use css({"propertyname":"value","propertyname":"value",...});