25. Pleural diseases - Cox

Cards (24)

  • Pleural Effusion - abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
  • Pneumothorax - pleural air
  • Pleural fluid maintained via balance of
    • hydrostatic pressure
    • oncotic pressure
    • lymphatic drainage
    Disturbance will cause pleural effusion
  • Fluid balance disturbance
    • increase hydrostatic pressure
    • decrease oncotic pressure
    • obstruction of lymphatic drainage
    • increase vascular permeability
  • Pleural effusion - separating visceral and parietal pleura can cause?
    passive atelectasis
  • Expanding pleural effusion can cause?
    mass effect leading to compression atelectasis - will flatten diaphragm and impair respiration
  • The most common symptom associated with pleural effusion is?

    dyspnea and pleural chest pain due to pleural irritation
  • Transudates - ultrafiltrates of plasma
    • increase hydrostatic pressure
    • decrease oncotic pressure
  • Transudates seen in renal failure and cirrhosis
  • Exudates - protein and cell rich fluid
    • increase vascular permeability
    • due to inflammation or malignancy
  • Transudate specific gravity is less than 1.016
  • transudate have low protein content
  • exudate - specific gravity is more than 1.016
  • What is used for determining exudate?
    light's criteria - satisfying 1 criteria = exudate
  • Light's criteria for exudate
    1. Effusion fluid protein > 0.5
    2. effusion fluid LDH > 0.6
    3. LDH must be 1/3 > upper limit of normal range
    4. LDH > 133
  • Hemothorax - blood within chest
    • causing ipsilateral lung compression
  • Chylous pleural effusions - pleural space is filled with chylous fluid - usually exudate
  • Uncomplicated parapneumonic effusion - sterile and resolves with resolution of pneumonia
  • Complicated parapneumonic effusion
    • pleural bacterial invasion + neutrophil
    • increase LDH levels
    • decrease glucose
  • Simple Pneumothorax - presence of air in pleural cavity
  • tension pneumothorax pathogenesis
    • pleural tear allows air into pleural cavity but can't escape
    • increase pleural cavity pressure leading to compression atelectasis
  • Mesothelioma - associated with asbestos exposure
  • Transudate - the membrane is intact, just fluid out
  • Mesothelioma - cause by crocidolite arsenic