Change in gene frequency >> change in genetic properties of population >> change in magnitude of genetic variation, When selection is directed for a specific trait/alleles over a long term period, Will response to selection continue for how long, Population mean changes by how much, Will genetic limit be reached when there is no more progress, Could result from opposing forces of natural selection and artificial selection and may not be due to loss of additive genetic variance, Artificial selection goes for extreme types, Natural selection favours intermediate expression of metric traits, heterozygotes or homozygotes suited for fitness, One explanation why limit to selection is seldom attained: VA contributes maximally to h^2 >> h^2 = VA/VP, Response to selection relies on VA >> R = h^2 (SD), Assuming (P - P̄) is the fitness difference between selected parents P and population mean P̄, with the overdominant model the heterozygotes will have higher fitness compared to homozygotes. Thus genetic variation is maintained in natural and artificial selection (with favoured heterozygotes) > high h^2, Response to selection will eventually diminish when all favourable alleles at most loci become fixed in the homozygous type. Genetic variation will decline when fixation is complete and response to selection will cease >> be at the Selection Limit. This depends much on the initial genetic variation in the founding population. With no new mutation to add to the gene pool, selection limit may quickly be reached. In livestock breeding, new genetic materials may constantly be introduced from outside the herd and this will maintain genetic variability in a herd >> therefore it is seldom that the selection limit be attained.