Dairy: 2-3 servings/day, Protein: 2-3 servings/day, sources of calcium, protein, and essential nutrients
Fats, oils, and sweets
To be used sparingly, high calorie and low nutrient density
5 Major Food Groups
Milk and Alternatives
Meat, Fish, Egg and Alternatives
Fat/Oil, Salt and Sugar
Recommended Servings per Day
Grains: 6-11
Vegetables: 3-5
Fruits: 2-4
Milk and Alternatives: 2-3
Meat, Fish, Egg and Alternatives: 2-3
Dietary Requirements
Minimum amounts needed for essential nutrients to attain good health under specific age, sex, weight, physical activity, physiological conditions, state of health, etc.
Types of Dietary Requirements
Macronutrients (Carbohydrates, proteins, fats)
Micronutrients (Vitamins, minerals)
10 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos
Eat a variety of foods everyday
Breast-feed infants exclusively from birth to 6 months, and then give appropriate foods while continuing breast-feeding
Maintain children's normal growth through proper diet and monitor their growth regularly
Consume fish, lean meat, poultry or dried beans
Eatmorevegetables, fruits and root crops
Eatfoodscooked in edible or cooking oil daily
Consumemilk, milk products, or other calcium-richfoodssuch as smallfish and darkgreenleafyvegetables
Use iodized salt, but avoidexcessiveintake of saltyfoods
Eat clean and safe foods
For a healthylifestyle and goodnutrition,exerciseregularly,donotsmoke, and avoiddrinkingalcoholicdrinks
Food Exchange List
A diet planning tool that organizes food by nutrient and energy content, provides additional help in achieving calories and moderation
Food Labeling
Best way for consumers to see how an individual's food fit their nutritional needs, gives information about the product's content, ingredients, and nutritional value
Components of Food Labeling
Nutrient Declaration
Nutrition Claim
Nutrient Declaration
Standardized statement or listing the nutrient content of food
Nutrition Claim
Represents which states or implies that a food has some particular nutritional proponents