Total health expenditure as % of DGP
Total health expenditure per capita
% general government expenditure on health
Doctors per 10,000 population
Nurse/midwives per 10,000 population
Graduates of health training institutions per 10,000 population
Hospital beds per 10,000 population
Doctors using electronic health records
Tracer medicines availability
Median drug price ratio for tracer drugs
Index of service readiness
Service accessibility (distance to facility)
General practitioner utilization rate
TB treatment success rate (DOTS)
30-day hospital case fatality rate AMI and stroke
Waiting time to elective surgeries: cataract, PTCA, hip replacement
Surgical wound infections (% of all surgical operations)
Cancer treatment delay (time between first GP visit and first treatment, for breast and colon cancer)
Antenatal care coverage (4+)
Antenatal care coverage (1)
Skilled birth attendance
DPT3 Immunization coverage
ART coverage
Contraceptive prevalence rate
TB smear+ case detection rate
ARI in under-fives taken to health facility
Diarrhoea in under-fives receiving ORT
ITN coverage among children
Breast cancer screening (50-69 years) coverage
Cervical cancer screening (20-64 years) coverage
Tobacco use (adults)
Access to safe water
Access to improved sanitation
Low birth weight newborns
Breastfeeding exclusive for 6 months
Obesity in adults (over 15 years)
Children under 5 anthropometry- stunting
Condom use at last higher risk sex, 15-49
Particulate Matter (PM10) exposure
Life expectancy at birth
Child mortality (under-5)
Life expectancy at age 65
Maternal mortality ratio
Mortality by major cause of death
TB prevalence in population
HIV prevalence among adults 15-49
Notifiable diseases (IHR)
Depression prevalence (last 12 months)
Out of pocket as % of total health expenditure
Insurance coverage (% covered by public or private health insurance)