Social Support

    Cards (5)

    • When talking about resistance to Social Influence always state that the person "resisted conformity/obedience" of is "more/less likely to resist". Do not say they are more/less likely to conform etc.
    • What does social support increase resistance to social influence?
      People are more likely to resist social influence when there are others who are also resisting the same pressures. When another person resists pressures to conform or obey, this enables us to be free to follow our own conscience. It can be argued that those who initially resist social influence act as a model for independent behaviour
    • Why is social support effective?
      • It breaks the unanimity of the group.
      • It gives the individual an ally.
      • Challenges the legitimacy of the person in authority.
    • How can Asch's study support social support as an aid in resisting Social Influence?
      In Asch's unanimity variation when a dissenting confederate was introduced, resistance increased with less than 25% conforming regardless of whether the answer given by the confederate was correct or incorrect.
    • How can Milgram's study support social support as an aid in resisting Social Influence?

      In one of Milgram's variations where the genuine participant was joined by a disobedient confederate, resistance increased with obedience levels falling from 65% to 10%.