surface waves - seismic waves that do not travel through the body
p-waves - pushes(compresses) and pulls(expands) rocks in the direction they are travelling
p-waves - can travel through solid, liquid, and gas
p-waves - fastest seismic waves
s-waves - seismic waves that shake particles at right angles to direction of travel
s-waves - seismic waves that can only travel through solids
rayleigh waves - surface waves that are more similar to water particles in ocean waves
love waves - surface waves that cause more damage
love waves - surface waves that move perpendicular to the direction where the wave travel
Rayleigh Waves - surface waves that move in an elliptical motion, producing both a vertical and horizontal component of motion in the direction of wave propagation
Love Waves - surface waves that move parallel to the Earth's surface and perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation
earth's surface - surface waves can only travel where?