Cards (7)

  • Significant figures
    Non-zero numbers are significant figures
  • Determining significant figures
    • Zeros between two non-zero numbers are significant
    • Trailing zeros are significant if there is a decimal point
    • Leading zeros are not significant
  • Determining significant figures
    • 42.50 has 4 significant figures
    • 7080 has 4 significant figures
    • 1050.0 has 5 significant figures
    • 0.00703 has 3 significant figures
    • 0.08060 has 4 significant figures
    • 5030.0 has 5 significant figures
    • 750.064080 has 9 significant figures
  • Rounding when multiplying or dividing
    1. Determine the least number of significant figures in the original numbers
    2. Round the final answer to the least number of significant figures
  • Rounding when multiplying or dividing
    • 4.6 x 3.52 rounds to 16
    • 5.64 x 12.458 rounds to 70.3
    • 96.752 / 3.541 rounds to 27.32
  • Rounding when adding or subtracting
    1. Round the final answer to the least number of digits to the right of the decimal point
    2. If the next digit is 5 or more, round up
  • Rounding when adding or subtracting
    • 2.36 + 12.1 rounds to 14.5
    • 4.328 + 13 + 5.45 rounds to 23