conductswater and dissolved mineral salts from the roots to the stems and leaves
providesmechanical support for the plant
consists of xylem vessels, which are long hollow tubesstretching from the root to the leaf
xylemvessels are madeup of manydead cells without a cytoplasm or cross walls, reducing resistance to waterflowing through the xylem
inner walls of xylem vessel are strengthened by deposits of lignin.Lignin can be deposited in the form of rings, spirals or the wholevessel is lignified except in regions called pits
consists of sieve tubes and companion cells
each sieve tube consists of a column of elongated, thin walled living cells
Phloem - Sieve plates
the sieve platesseparating the sieve tube cells have manyminute pores
a mature sieve tube cell only has a thin layer of cytoplasm inside it. It connects to cellsabove and belowthrough the holes in the sieveplates, allowing for rapidflow of manufacturedfoodsubstances through the sievetubes
Phloem - companion cells
eachsieve tubecell has a companioncellbesideit that providesnutrients and helps the sievetubecell to transportmanufacturedfood
companioncellscarryoutmetabolic processes that are needed to keep the sieve tube cell alive
each companioncell is a narrow, thin walled cell with manymitochondria, cytoplasm and a nucleus
numerousmitochondriaprovideenergy needed for the companioncells to loadglucose from the mesophyllcells into the sievetubes by active transport
vascular tissues in the stem
within a vascularbundle, the xylem is located closer inside
the phloemliesoutside the xylem with a tissue called the cambiumbetween them
the stem is covered by a layer of cells called the epidermis, which are protected by a waxy, waterproofcuticle that reducesevaporation of water from the stem
Vascular tissue in leaves
vascularbundles are found along the spongymesophyll
xylem is closer to the uppersurface of the leaf and the phloem is closer to the lowersurface of the leaf
Vascular tissue in the roots
epidermis of the root is the outermostlayer of cells, it bearsroot hairs
each root hair is a long and narrow extensiongrowingout of an epidermal cell
long and narrow extension of the root hair increses surface area to volume ratio, increasing rate of absorption of water and mineral salts