Cards (29)

  • Automated controls
    Controls that are built into computer programs and systems intended to ensure system integrity, reliability, and security
  • Audit committee
    Committee of the board of directors tasked to perform oversight of internal controls, financial reporting, and audit processes within an organization
  • Compliance audits
    Examinations intended to determine whether the company or any of its department is able to adhere to prevailing laws and regulations
  • Corruption
    Type of fraud that encompasses bribery, illegal kickbacks, under-the-table schemes, and the like
  • Deficiency in Design
    A critical control is not properly designed and does not meet the control objective; or is simply ineffective
  • Deficiency in Operations
    A critical control is designed properly but does not perform in the intended manner and is unable to address the identified risks
  • Detective controls
    Controls that serve as second line of defense when fraud, error, or noncompliance was able to penetrate preventive controls
  • Entity-level controls
    Controls that are applied broadly at the company level and essentially affects the entire corporate culture as well as the functioning of transaction-level controls
  • External auditors
    CPAs and CPA firms who render independent audit of the reliability of financial statements
  • Fraud
    An intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage
  • Fraud triangle
    Tool used in identifying red flags or indicators of fraud, broken into (1) pressures to commit fraud, (2) opportunities to commit fraud, and (3) rationalizations
  • Fraudulent financial reporting
    Type of fraud that results to manipulation of financial statements for the purpose of showing superior managerial performance or profitability when in fact the company performed poorly
  • Hard controls
    Controls that have tangible or physical characteristics
  • Internal audit
    Independent and objective assurance activity within an organization intended to provide audit service in the areas of operations, reporting, compliance, and finance
  • Misappropriation of assets
    Type of fraud characterized by theft of company asset, fund, or resource
  • Noncompliance
    Acts of company personnel, whether intentional or not, that are contrary to prevailing laws and regulations
  • Operational audits
    Examinations intended to ascertain whether management has conducted business operations effectively and efficiently
  • Preventive controls
    First line of defense controls intended to avert the happening of negative events such as fraud, error, or noncompliance
  • Soft controls
    Controls that do not have physical characteristics
  • Tests of controls
    Procedures of auditors intended to determine whether internal controls are operating effectively or not
  • Transaction-level controls
    Internal control procedures deployed and implemented for every major transaction and accounts of the company
  • Certified Internal Auditors (CIA)
    An advanced certification although not a mandatory requirement for one to be an internal auditor
  • Corporate charter
    identifying the roles of the BOD and committees such as audit committee and risk oversight committee
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
    ACFE; categorizes fraud into three
  • Pressures to commit fraud
    What drives people to commit fraud?
  • Opportunities
    element of fraud triangle; when there are no internal controls nor an audit process
  • Rationalization
    an element of fraud triangle that relies belief system or attitude of the people in the company
  • Control Deficiency
    is a missing control, or an existing control that is not designed properly, or is properly designed but is not operating effectively
  • Financial Audits
    examinations focused on determining whether the company's finance function as well as financial reports are accurate or reliable