The acknowledged right to use and benefit from a tangible (e.g., land) or intangible (e.g., intellectual) entity that may include owning, using, deriving income from, selling, and disposing
Introduced key concepts that have become fundamental to the field of NIE. His seminal work on transactioncosts and property rights laid the groundwork for much of NIE.
Expanded New Institutional Economics by emphasizing the role of institutions in economic development. His studies highlighted how institutions such as property rights, legal systems, and governance structures shape long-term economic performance and growth.
Expanded the analysis to transaction cost economics and organizational theory. Williamson's work on the nature of the firm and governance structures highlighted the importance of hierarchies and markets in reducing transaction costs.
Known for his work on state theory and governance. Jessop's work focuses on the complexity of modern governance and the need for a coordinated approach to managing various governance mechanisms.