Strategies or procedures in assessing the library collections
Collection Assessment Methodologies
Collection-Centered Methods
User-Centered Methods
Collection-Centered Methods
Focuses on library collections
How to collect, develop, weed, and improve your collections base on your current collections
List Checking
1. Frequently used assessment method
2. Used when lists are readily identifiable
3. Used to check library collections
4. Time consuming
Obtaining User Opinion (Expert Opinion)
A method where libraries hired experts or invited experts to come up with unbiased decisions in the selection of library materials
Obtaining User Opinion (Expert Opinion)
Hiring experts to come up with unbiased decision in selection of library materials
Provide fair decision or assessment
Hiring outside of institution
Comparative Use Statistics
Techniques and processes used to compare data across different collections or datasets
Collection Standards
Established guidelines and protocols used to ensure the consistency, reliability, and accuracy of data collected from different sources
User-Centered Methods
Focuses on how patrons and users interact in library resources
Prioritize and meeting the standards of the users
Accessibility, usability, and relevance to the community
Circulation Studies
Adequacy of print collection is directly related to its use. Circulation records provide a reasonably representative picture of collection use.
Customer Perception
User's opinion about collection adequacy, in terms of quantity, quality or both are significant factors in their overall view about library quality
Use of ILL Statistics (Interlibrary Loan)
An overall review of ILL data may reveal areas of the collection that are too weak to meet all the demands of that may need greater depth of coverage
Bibliometric Studies
Particularly valuable for assessing serial collections. Two of the most common techniques are citation and content analysis.
Direct Observation
The main advantages are that it is practical and immediately effective
The main disadvantages are that it requires a subject or materials expert and is not very scientific
Shelf List Analysis
Gross Size
Volumes added per year
Subject balance
Unfilled requests
ILL requests
Optimum size
Shelf Scanning
When most of the materials are on the shelves, this method may provide information about the condition and the extent of the collection very quickly
Client-Centered Statistical Analysis
Covers a variety of techniques involving gathering and analysis of statistics relating to circulation, reference, interlibrary loan, cataloging, acquisitions and online searches