maintenance of a constant internal environment, despite external changes
Negative feedback
process that reversechanges in internal conditions to ensure optimal steady state is maintained & internalenvironment is returned to original set of conditions
change detected by sensory receptors & as a result, effectors work to reverse the change & restore conditions to their base level
Positive feedback
sensory receptors detect a change in the internal environment & effectors are stimulated to reinforce that change and increase the response
e.g. in the blood clotting cascade
Difference between receptors & effectors
receptors detect stimuli
effectors produce changes required
What is an ectotherm?
an animal that depends on external sources of heat to determine body temperature
Behavioural responses of ectotherms to warm up
basking (orientating bodies so max surface area is exposed to sun)
pressing bodies against warm ground to gain heat through conduction
changing body shape to increase surface area to gain heat
Behavioural responses of ectotherms to cool down
shelter from sun by seeking shade or burrowing
press bodies against cool stones to lose heat through conduction
orientate bodies so minimum surface area is exposed to sun
minimise movements to reduce metabolic heat generated
Physiological responses of ectotherms to warming
dark pigments to absorb radiation
alter heart rate to increase or decreases metabolic rate & to affect warming or cooling across the body surfaces
Advantages of ectothermy
use less energy regulating their temperatures so have lower food requirements
can survive in some difficult habitats where food is in short supply
a greater proportion of energy intake can be used for growth
Disadvantages of ectothermy
lower activity levels in cold temperature can lead to greater risk of predation
What is an endotherm?
an animal that can use internal sources of heat to control body temperature
How does the body detect temperature changes in endotherms?
peripheraltemperature receptors in the skin detect changes in the surface temperature
temperature receptors in the hypothalamus detect the temperature of the blood deep in the body
combo of the two gives body great sensitivity & allows it to respond to actual changes in the temp of the blood as well as to pre-empt possible problems that might result from changes in the external environment
What do temp receptors in the hypothalamus act as?
the thermostat of the body
control responses that maintain the core temp in a dynamic equilibrium to within about 1°C of 37°C
Physiological adaptations endotherms use to cool down
vasodilation - arterioles near surface of skin dilate, forces more blood to flow through capillaries close to surface of skin, more heat is radiated from the body
increased sweating - as sweat evaporates from the surface of skin heat is lost, cooling the blood below the surface
erector muscles relax so hairs/ feathers lie flat on the skin - avoids trapping an insulating layer of air
Why do some animals pant to cool down?
sweat glands are restricted to the less hairy areas of the body such as the paws
panting results in losing heat as the water evaporates
Anatomical adaptations of endotherms to cool down
large SA:V ratio to maximise cooling (e.g. large ears & wrinkly skin)
pale fur or feathers to reflect radiation
How do endotherms warm up?
vasoconstriction - arterioles near surface of skin constrict, little blood flows through capillaries near skin surface, less heat is radiated from the body
decreased sweating - less heat lost by evaporation of water from surface of skin
erector muscles contract, pulling hair or feathersupright - traps an insulating layer of air & so reduces cooling through the skin
shivering - involuntary contracting & relaxing of large muscles - metabolic heat from the exothermic reactions warm up the body
Anatomical adaptations of endotherms to warm up
adaptations that minimise SA:V ratio to reduce cooling e.g. small ears
thick layer of insulating fat underneath skin
Behavioural adaptations of endotherms in cold climates to keep warm
hibernate - build up fat stores, build well-insulated shelters & lower their metabolic rate
female polar bears dig dens in the snow and remain in them warm & insulated while they give birth to their cubs
Importance of homeostasis
enzyme activity - conditions need to be optimum
cell size - changes in waterpotential of blood could cause cells to desiccate or swell & burst
independence from externalconditions - so animals can maintain constant level of activity regardless of environment
Main metabolic waste products in mammals
Carbon dioxide - produced by respiration, excreted from lungs
Bile pigments - produced from breakdown of haemoglobin from oldRBCs, excreted in bile from liver into the small intestine
Nitrogenous waste products (urea) - produced by deamination (breakdown of excess amino acids), excreted by kidneys in urine
The liver
one of main organs involved in homeostasis
makes up about 5% of total body mass
lies just below diaphragm
is made up of several lobes
has a rich blood supply - about 1 dm3 blood flows through every minute
Blood supply to liver
oxygenated blood is supplied to liver by the hepatic artery & returned to heart in the hepatic vein
blood also supplied by the hepatic portal vein (HPV) - carries blood w the products of digestion straight from intestines to liver - this is starting point for many metabolic activities of the liver
up to 75% of blood in liver comes via the hepatic portal vein
Structure of liver cells (hepatocytes)
large nuclei
prominent Golgi apparatus
lots of mitochondria for generating required ATP
able to divide & regenerate to repair damaged parts of liver
Blood supply in sinusoids
blood from hepatic artery & hepatic portal vein is mixed in spaces called sinusoids which are surrounded by hepatocytes
mixing increases oxygen content of blood from hepatic portal vein, supplying hepatocytes with enough oxygen for their needs
Structure of sinusoids
contain Kupffer cells which act as the resident macrophages of the liver, ingesting foreign particles and helping protect against disease
hepatocytes, lining sinusoids, secrete bile from the breakdown of blood into spaces called canaliculi, and from these the bile drains into the bile ductules which take it to the gallbladder
4 functions of the liver
carbohydrate metabolism
deamination of excess amino acids
Carbohydrate metabolism
when blood glucose levels rise, insulin levels rise & stimulate hepatocytes to convert glucose to glycogen
when blood glucose levels fall, glycogen stores are converted to glucose
conversion of one amino acid into another
needed as our diet doesn't always contain required balance of amino acids so this balances it all out
Deamination of excessamino acids
removal of an amine group from a molecule, converting it to ammonia - ammonia then converted to urea in the ornithine cycle by reacting w CO2
Happens because our body can’t store excess amino acids - if not for action of hepatocytes excess would be excreted & wasted
the remainder of the amino acid molecule can be used in respiration or converted to lipids for storage
Levels of toxins in body always tend to increase
Urea & many other metabolic pathways produce potentially poisonous substances
We alo take in wide variety of toxins by choice e.g. alcohol & other drugs
Liver detoxifies these substances - 2 examples:
Breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic waste product - split into water & oxygen using catalase in hepatocytes
Hepatocytes contain alcohol dehydrogenase which breaks down ethanol into ethanoate which can be used in respiration or used to make new fatty acids
3 main areas of the kidney
cortex: dark outer layer - where filtering of blood takes place
medulla: lighter inner region - contains tubules of the nephrons
pelvis: central region - where urine collects before leading out down the ureter
Label the gross structure of the kidney
A) cortex
B) medulla
C) pelvis
D) renal artery
E) renal vein
F) ureter
the functional units of the kidney
where blood is filtered
kidney contains around 1.5 million nephrons
Name the 5 main structures of the nephron
bowman's capsule
proximal convoluted tubule
loop of henle
distal convoluted tubule
collecting duct
How does ultrafiltration take place? part 1
high blood pressure in the glomerulus creates high hydrostatic pressure in capillaries compared to bowman's capsule which brings about filtration
the capillaries have endothelium pores to allow substances through
fluid then passes through basement membrane - network of collagen & glycoproteins - acts as filtration membrane
How does ultrafiltration take place? part 2
podocytes in wall of bowman's capsule give support & act as an additional filter
podocytes have extensions called pedicels that wrap around the capillaries to form slits, preventing large plasma proteins & other cells, that may have passed through the basement membrane, from entering the tubule itself
The filtrate will contain glucose, salt, urea, water, & other substances in the same concentration as they present in the blood plasma
Up to 20% of the plasma contents leave the blood during this process
Glomerular filtration rate
volume of fluid that is filtered from blood in capillaries into renal capsule in a given time
determined by differences between: water potential in glomerular capillary & renal capsule.
What takes place in the proximal convoluted tubule?
selective reabsorption
All of glucose, amino acids, vitamins & hormones are moved from filtrate back into blood by active transport
85% of sodium chloride & water is reabsorbed as well - sodium ions are moved by activetransport while chloride ions & water follow passively down concentration gradients
Adaptations of the PCT
covered with microvilli - increase surface area over which substances are absorbed
have many mitochondria to provide ATP needed in active transport systems
plasma membranes have many pumps & transporter proteins for active transport & facilitateddiffusion
tight junctions between cells to ensure transcellular movement
Infoldings of basal membrane - inc surface area to allow movement of substances into blood