module 3

Cards (9)

  • Cell Theory
    A fundamental theory in biology that states that all living organisms are composed of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms, and new cells are created from existing cells
  • Discovery of Cell
    1. Hans and Zacharias Janssen
    2. Robert Hooke
    3. Anton/ie van Leeuwenhoek
    4. Matthias Schleiden
    5. Theodor Schwann
    6. Rudolf Virchow
  • 1590 Hans and Zacharias Janssen
    -invented the first so-called compound microscope
    in the late 16th century when they
    discovered that, if they put a lens at
    the top and bottom of a tube and
    looked through it, objects on the
    other end became magnified.
  • 1665 robert hooke
    -In 1665, the English scientist used
    a microscope to examine a thin slice of cork.
    Hooke described it as consisting of “a great many
    little boxes.” These “little boxes” reminded him of
    the cubicles or “cells” in which monks lived in the
    monastery, so he called them cells.
    -What he saw led him to identify the basic unit of
    plant and biological structure, which he called
    the “cell” (from cella, Latin for small chamber).
    -He published Micrographia.
  • 1673 anton van leeuwenhoek
    -Dutch scientist, he was a
    master microscope maker and perfected the
    design of the simple microscope, enabling it to
    magnify an object by around two hundred to
    three hundred times its original size. What he
    saw with
    these microscopes was bacteria and protozoa,
    but he called these tiny creatures
    -he became fascinated. He went
    on to be the first to observe and describe
    spermatozoa in 1677.
  • 1838 matthias schleiden
    a German botanist named showed that the development of
    all vegetable tissues comes from the activity
    of cells.
    he believed that cells were “seeded”
    by the nucleus and grew from there.
  • 1839 theodor schwann
    defined the cell as the basic
    unit of animal structure. they articulated their observations
    as a unified theory—the cell theory—
    which proposed the first two principles
  • 1855 rudolph virchow
    -German pathologist published biogenic law and coined the
    phrase “omnis cellula e cellular”
    which means cells originate from cells.
    Because of this, he concluded
    that all cells arise from preexisting
    cells, which became the third principle
    of cell theory.
    -He also stated that all diseases involve
    changes in normal cells.
  • in 1674 described the algae spirogyra and named the moving organisms animacules