Assumption one

Cards (16)

  • first assumption is known as the tripartite model of the mind
  • frued though that your subconcious is split into three parts
  • there is the ID which is the most impulsive part of our personality
  • ID is present at birth
  • ID demands immediate satisfaction
  • ID is also known as the pleasure principle
  • the main aim of the ID is to gain pleasure and gratification of any cost
  • ego is the conscious, rational part of the mind
  • ego develops at around 2 years old
  • ego works out a realistic way of balancing the demands of the ID in a socially acceptable way
  • ego is governed by the reality principle
  • the super ego is the last part of the personality to develop
  • super ego forms at around 4 years old
  • the super ego embodies the child's sense of right and wrong as well as their ideal self
  • super ego seeks to be perfect and civilise out behaviour
  • super ego is learned through identification with ones parents and others