9 Resistance to social influence

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  • Why is there resistance to social influence? = Resistance to social influence explanations discusses:
    • Social Support:
    • Obedience (Milgram)
    • Conformity (Asche)
    • Locus of Control
  • Two types of social influence?

    • Conformity
    • Obediance
  • Social Support - Conformity
    • Pressure to conform is reduced if other people are not conforming (dissenting peers)
    • The non conformists do not even need to be correct - fact someone else is not following majority frees person to follow their own conscience - dissenter acts as a 'MODEL'
    • For example: Demonstrated in Asches variations where there was one disagreeing confederate and conformity dropped to 5%
    • HOWEVER = if dissenter starts conforming again, other person likely to follow suite (naive ppt) - not very long lasting.
  • Social Support - Obedience
    • Social support helps to reduce obedience as it reduces the pressure felt if you were the only one disobeying.
    • Person does not have to copy behaviours of the dissenter - fact someone else is not obeying is enough to enable the person to follow their own conscience.
    • For example: demonstrated in Milgram’s variation where there were 2 disobedient confederates & obedience dropped to 10%. Independent behaviour increased in the disobedient peer condition (from 35% to 90%)
  • Locus of Control
    • Rotter (1966) said locus of control refers to what you believe controls the events of your life. (personality type)
    • described internal & external LOC
    • Internal place control with themselves, externals place control outside themselves:
  • External LOC:

    • Externals believe things happen outside their control. If they fail an exam they say it was because they had a bad teacher or had bad luck because the questions were hard.
    • Outcome of events dependent on factors like luck & fate - what happens is outside your control - MORE LIKELY TO CONFORM TO SOCIAL INFLUENCE
    • e.g. I never vote, i don't see the point, a single vote can’t make a difference
  • Internal LOC:

    • Positive events come from hard work, what happens is inside your control - MORE LIKELY TO RESIST SOCIAL INFLUENCE
    • Internals believe things that happen to them are largely controlled by themselves (e.g. doing well or badly in an exam depends on how hard you work)
    • e.g. = I don't care what my teacher says. I am not doing the cross country run at the weekend.
  • How are people with internal LOC going to respond to pressures to conform/obey?

    • People with internal LOC are more likely to resist pressures to conform or obey
    • People with high internal locus of control tend to be more self confident, achievement-orientated, higher intelligence & less likely to need social approval - all traits which are likely to increase resistance to social influence.
    • If a person takes personal responsibility for their actions & experiences (good or bad) then they are more likely to base their decisions on their own beliefs & resist pressures for others.
  • There is a continuum - LOC:

    • People differ in how they explain successes and failures but it is not simply about being internal or external.
    • There is a continuum: high internal at one end and high external at the other; low internal and low external lie in-between.