assumption two

Cards (18)

  • behaviour is influenced by different levels of consciousness and ego defences freud proposed that the mind is like an iceberg
  • much of what goes on in the mind lies under the surface
  • conscious mind is logical, whereas the unconscious mind is ruled by pleasure-seeking
  • the unconscious mind cannot be directly assessed
  • the unconscious mind is also related to the ego's defence systems
  • if there is conflict between the ID. ego and super ego it creates anxiety
  • the ego protects itself with various different defences
  • these defences can be the cause of disturbed behaviour if they are over-used
  • an examples of an ego defence is repression
  • repression is the unconscious blocking of unpleasant emotions, impulses and memories and thoughts from your unconscious mind
  • repression is done to minimise the feelings of guilt and anxiety
  • denial is another ego defence
  • denial happens when a person is faced with a fact they are too uncomfortable to accept
  • denial is when they reject it and insists it isn't true by ignoring the reality of the situation
  • displacement is another ego defence
  • displacement is when you transfer negative feelings from one thing to another
  • displacement involves a shift of emphasis from important to unimportant element
  • identification is the original form of emotional tie with an object