hip pathologies

    Cards (11)

    • describe arthritis in the hip
      narrowing of the joint space
      osteophyte formation
      sclerosis of subchondral bone plate
    • where do most hip fractures occur
      femoral neck
      intertrochanteric area
    • what is a bursae
      small fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between joints
    • what is hip bursitis
      inflammation of one or more of the bursae
    • what are the best image modalities for hip bursitis
    • name some pediatric pathologies
      perthe's disease
      avulsion fractures
    • define DDH
      development dysplasia of the hip
    • what is DDH
      abnormal development of the acetabulum with or without hip dislocation
    • define SUFE
      slipped upper femoral epiphysis
    • what is SUFE
      femoral epiphysis has a fracture
      head of the femur slips out of place
    • what is perthe's disease
      blood supply to the head of the femur is disrupted and causes bone to deteriorate
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