Produced by typeIIpneumocytes<|>Laminar body formation starts at 22 weeks, matures at 34-36 weeks<|>Phosphatidylcholine ~70%<|>Phosphatidylglycerol<|>Surfactant specific protein<|>Recycling and regeneration (including externally given surfactant)
First stool that constitutes the GI epithelium and secretion during fetal life<|>Stress and intra-uterine meconium in term & post term infants<|>Gasping cause the aspiration<|>Chemical pneumonitis<|>Same signs of distress and PPHN<|>Treatment mainly supportive
Term<|>Caesarian delivery<|>Lung fluid retension<|>Usually tachypnia without O2 requirement<|>Resolve in 48-72 hours<|>X-ray - typically reticulogranular appearance but can be any type