Optical isomerism

Cards (10)

  • Optical isomerism
    A form of stereoisomerism where atoms/groups are arranged differently around a chiral carbon
  • Chiral carbon
    Has 4 different groups attached to it
  • Racemic
    A mixture containing equal amounts of each enantiomer
  • A racemic mixture is optically inactive because the rotations cancel
  • Stereospecific
    A reaction which will only work with one stereoisomer because of the involvement of an active site
  • Isomers of chiral compounds are known as enantiomers
  • A racemic mixture is often used in dry manufacture because it's difficult and expensive to separate the two isomers
  • Optical isomers react acidified hydrogen cyanide
    They form a racemic mixture and the mechanism involved is nucleophilic addition e.g. Ethanal reacting with HCN
    • The CN has a negative charge and a pair of electrons that goes to the carbon with the double bonded oxygen
    • One bond from the double bonded oxygen goes to the oxygen to make it negative
    • The pair of electrons from oxygen goes to the hydrogen
    • And it forms 2-hydroxypropanitile
  • How to distinguish between a racemic mixture Vs one of the enantiomers
    You would use plane polarised light, the single enantiomer would rotate light but a racemic wouldn't rotate light
  • Give a meaning for the term racemic mixture
    A equal amount of each enantiomers