A chronic stress reaction characterized by intrusive and painful memories, jumpiness, negative emotional states, detachment, angry outbursts, and avoidance of reminders of the event
Events or situations that require a person to make changes in their ongoing life and adjust to those changes (e.g. death of a family member, marriage, divorce, moving)
A scale developed by Holmes and Rahe to examine the link between life stressors and physical illness, consisting of 43 life events that require varying degrees of personal readjustment
Minor irritations and annoyances that are part of everyday life (e.g. rush hour traffic, lost keys, obnoxious coworkers, inclement weather, arguments with friends)
A subfield of psychology devoted to understanding the importance of psychological influences on health, illness, and how people respond when they become ill
An internal environment in which physiological variables such as blood pressure, respiration, digestion, and temperature are stabilized at levels optimal for survival