A religious ceremony and ritual which links with the divine
Summarise Christianity: 2000 years ago and is the belief in God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Salvation, Heaven, Hell. He rose from the dead and rose to heaven
Name three types of Christian groups : Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant
Features of the Roman Catholic Church : They accept the authority of the pope, they believe hat you can achieve salvation throughout the seven sacraments
Features of Orthodox Church : Dont accept the authority of the pope, you can achieve salvation throughout the seven sacraments, disciples have authority
Features of Protestant Church : They dont accept the authority of the pope, you can achieve salvation through faith, the bible is the only source
Summarise the Fall : God creates Adam & Eve from dust and puts them in the Garden of Eden. They could do what they wanted but they couldn't eat from the tree of good and evil.
Summaries Free Will: God gave Adam & Eve free will because he didn't want to control them but they broke god's promise from eating from the tree and this is where original sin comes from.
Summarise Temptation; Suffering : God is testing us to see if we are loyal to him and the devil tries to trick humans to do the wrong thing
Summarise suffering creates character : God is allowing suffering so humans can be stronger. The bible states that suffering produces perseverance character and hope
Nature - Oneness ; Quotation : Monotheistic , God is one 'The lord is god, He is one'
Nature - All powerful ; Quotation : Omnipotent, God is all powerful 'Nothing will be impossible for god'
Nature - All loving ; quotation : + Omnibenevolence, God wants to good for all 'God so loved, he gave his begotten son'
Nature - All knowing ; Quotation : Omniscient, God is in a state of knowing everything ' Even the hairs on his head are numbered'
Nature - Separate; Quotation : Transcendent, God is in heaven and doesn't visit earth ' Heavens are higher than Earth, my way is higher'
Nature - Within ; Quotation : Immanent, god is close to humans ' Lord is near to all that call on him'
Nature - Fairness ; Quotation : Just, god judges fairly and treats everyone equally ' Righteousness ; justice are they key to the foundation of the throne