
Cards (13)

  • Activity of a radioactive source
    The number of atoms that decay per second
  • Half-life
    The time it takes for the activity/number of undecayed nuclei in a sample of a radioactive isotope to halve
  • Random nature of radioactive decay

    • Which nuclei and when it will decay is determined by chance - it is unpredictable
  • Radioactive decay plot
    Exponential decay curve
  • Decay constant
    The fixed probability of a nucleus decaying in a second
  • Unit of decay constant
  • Equation to calculate activity of 'N' nuclei
    1. A = λN
    2. Where λ is the decay constant
  • Activity of a source
    The number of radioactive nuclei it releases per second, or the number of decays per second
  • Half life
    The time taken for the number of radioactive nuclei to halve (or for the count rate, or activity, to halve)
  • Radioactive decay is a random process - you cannot predict the decay of a particular nucleus, but you can predict how many nuclei will decay from a large source
  • Graphing radioactive decay produces an exponential decay curve
  • Decay constant (λ)

    The fixed probability of a nucleus decaying in a given time interval
  • Iterative calculations for decay in a set time period
    ΔN = -λΔt or ΔN = -λN