The scientific study of all inland waters around the world. Combines the sciences of chemistry, biology, physics and geology
Marsh or pond
Forel - the oceanography of lakes
Lind 1979
Non-marine aquatic ecology
Margalef 1983
The ecology of non-oceanic waters. Studied basic limnological processes in tropical regions
Baldi 1949
Considered the essence of limnology to be the study of movement of matter in a body of water
Inland waters
Ephemeral, discontinuous in space & are distributed irregularly throughout the inland continents
Limnology & oceanography
Water (substrate) with fundamental properties
Older, continuous in space (plants & animals are widely distributed)
35-39 grams of salt/kg water
Two aspects to be considered in all these definitions
A natural unit consisting of living components (biotic) and non-living components (abiotic) that belong to a system of energy flow and cycling of matter
Two aspects of structural analysis
Description of abiotic components & their properties
Assessment of biotic components
Limnological research includes
Analytical field
Laboratory research
Birge (1851–1950) and Juday (1872–1944)
Studied the effect of thermal and chemical stratification. They proposed the typology of lakes on 1911 – the relationships between productivity of organic matter, lake depth, lake morphology, and dissolved oxygen content
Juday (1916)
Conducted comparative studies on several lakes in Central America
Thienemann & Naumann (1922)
Founded the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (now called the International Society of Limnology), and the establishment of a laboratory at Windermere (1931) in support of the Freshwater Biological Association, founded in 1929. Founder and co-founded of the International Society of London
Weber (1907)
Classification of lakes based on trophic status
Yoshimura (1938)
Established a scientific information base in Japan, and many Japanese limnologists have produced
Research laboratories established in US, Europe – conducted research on aquatic ecosystems
Sunda Expedition (1928-1929)
A major event that brought Thienemann, Ruttner, Feuerborn and Herrmann together for a joint limnological project
Theinemann (1931)
Highlighted the absence of hypolimnetic oxygen in lakes in Java, Sumatra, and Bali and discovered problems in traditional oligotrophic /eutrophic classification used for temperate region lakes
Thienemann (1925)
"Dystrophy" - lakes with high concentrations of humic substances
Max Planck Institute & National Institute for Amazonian Research
Studied major rivers & deltas in South America
Bornetto (1975, 1986), Neiff (1986), and Di Persia and Olazarri (1986)