Model of subjective well-being- Diener (1984)

Cards (13)

  • Subjective well-being (SWB)
    A self-reported measure of well-being typically obtained by questionnaire
  • Diener's tripartite model of SWB
    • Describes how people experience the quality of their lives and includes both affective components (positive emotions and negative emotions) and life satisfaction (cognitive) to determine subjective well-being
  • Positive affect

    Experiencing positive emotions and moods on a frequent basis
  • Negative affect
    Experiencing negative feelings or moods often
  • Life satisfaction
    The overall equilibrium/balance between positive and negative affect, usually measured as the difference between the two
  • High positive affect and low negative affect are often highly correlated, but not always
  • These three factors (positive affect, negative affect, life satisfaction) control how people experience the quality of their lives
  • High SWB
    Experiencing life satisfaction and frequent positive (e.g. joy, optimism) and infrequent negative affect (e.g. sadness, anger)
  • Low SWB
    Being dissatisfied with life, experiencing little joy, and frequently feeling negative emotions such as anger and anxiety
  • Affective balance
    The overall equilibrium between positive and negative affect
  • Affect
    The experience and outward expression of emotions - the moods and emotions individuals experience that make up 'emotional' wellbeing
  • People undergo both positive and negative affect and attempt to enhance their lives by reducing negative affect and increasing positive affect
  • Hedonic balance
    A global judgement of happiness continually assessed by people comparing their negative affect with their positive affect