The process of identifying and setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals
Functional Problem Statement
Consists of two parts: (1) Areas of Occupation and (2) Contributing Factors
Areas of Occupation
Health Management
Rest & Sleep
Social Participation
Contributing Factors
Client Factors
Performance Skills
Performance Patterns
Preferred Functional Problem Statement
Client is unable to dress self independently (Area of Occupation) due to reduced AROM in bilateral UL (Contributing Factor)
Client requires maximal assistance to dress self (Area of Occupation) due to ½ AROM in bilateral UL (Contributing Factor)
Client requires maximal assistance to dress self (Area of Occupation) due to ½ AROM in bilateral UL (Contributing Factor) 2° to infection of the spinal cord
Formula to Write a Functional Problem Statement
1. Client is unable to ______________ (Engage in WhatOccupationalTask) due to ________________ (ContributingFactor)
2. Client requires ______________ (AssistLevel) in _____________ (Performing What OccupationalTask) due to ________________ (ContributingFactor)
3. ______________ (ContributingFactor) results in ___________ (Whatoccupationaldeficit)
Patient needs 45 minutes to complete dressing 2° incoordination
Client tolerates < 10 minutes of ADL participation due to severe shortness of breath
Client demonstrates reduced safety in all IADL tasks due to impaired judgement and sequencing
Impaired short term memory results in safety concerns during meal preparation and child care
Rest & Sleep
Auditory hallucinations results in client obtaining <3 hours sleep nightly
Client requires moderate assistance to manage bed linens in preparation for sleep due to impaired sensation and strength of right hands resulting from multiple sclerosis
Sensory-seeking behaviors and decreased attention result in inability to complete classroom assignments in a timely manner
Lily requires moderate assistance to complete art assignment requiring use of a ruler 2° bilateral incoordination
Inattention to personal hygiene interferes with client's ability to find employment
<60° AROM in right shoulder abduction limits client's ability to perform work tasks
Client is unable to sustain employment longer than 2 weeks due to poor time management skills
Elisa is unable to engage in age-appropriate play activities due to sensory processing deficits
Child needs maximal verbal and tactile cues to transfer toys from one hand to the other due to inattention to right side of the body
Resident is unable to complete needlework due to impaired coordination of right hand
Social Participation
Anxiety in crowds limits client's willingness to leave home for participation in social event
Child is unable to communicate with peers verbally due to progressive oral motor weakness resulting from muscular dystrophy
Long-Term Goals (LTG) or outcomes, usually discharge goals - what the client hopes to accomplish by the timeofdischarge from OT services in the current setting
Short Term Goals (STG), goals that are met in smaller increments while progressing toward the discharge goals
Client will complete 3-step stove top meal preparation with modified independence using walker within 1 week
Client will retrieve & transport items from refrigerator to stove using a walker & wheeled cart with contact guard assistance within 3 days
Client will move 35 objects for work from table to counter without increase in pain by discharge in 2 weeks
Client will be able to life 10 objects needed for work without increase in pain within 1 week
Client will perform (C) a 3-step cooking process (O) with 2 or fewer cues for sequencing and safety (A) from wheelchair level in rehab kitchen (S) by 25/3/22 (T)
Assist Level (A)
How much assistance will be required, e.g. minassist, moderate assist, verbalcueing, independent
Specific Condition (S)
May be written as a % of all attempts, number of successes out of number of trials, "consistently" or "allattempts", or may not be written if consistent ability is implicit
For LTG should not exceed expected time of treatment, for STG cannot exceedtimeframe for LTG and should be attained within weeks, not months
Goal Writing: The COAST Method
Client will (C) open doorknobs (O) without report of wrist pain (S) within 2 weeks (T) *No (A)
Client will complete (C) all dressing tasks (O) independently (A) by 5th treatment session (T) *No (S)
Patient will fasten 3 buttons in 2 minutes using button hook with minimum verbal cues by 15/3/22
With 3 treatment sessions, client will complete toileting using raised toilet seat with minimal assistance for balance during clothing adjustment
Child will feed self 50% of meal using adaptive spoon with moderate assistance within 3 weeks
Ryan will navigate public bus system from home to hospital with supervision during next therapy session
Client will transfer 10 laundry items from washer to dryer with 3 or fewer cues to adhere to postsurgical back precaution by 3/3/20
Rest & Sleep
Client will go to bed before midnight at least 75% of weeknights within 2 weeks in order to obtain adequate sleep for effective participation at job
Child will maintain seated position at desk for 5 minutes with 2 or fewer verbal cues 4/5 attempts
Child independently will print upper case alphabet on wide-ruled notebook paper, demonstrating proper letter formation and staying on line with < 3 errors 75% of attempts
Client independently will request at least one job application from a restaurant within 1 week
Client will navigate power wheelchair in work environment without bumping into objects or people within 3 weeks
Client will demonstrate ability to type 20 words per minute during simulated work tasks using right wrist cock-up splints within 2 weeks
Child will place 3 shapes into puzzle board with no verbal cues in 3 months
Infant will engage in bilateral UL play activities while independently sitting unsupported > 1 minute by 4/5/20
Within 3 weeks, client will demonstrate sufficient coordination to manipulate toothpaste caps, buttons, and knitting needles without dropping
Client independently will identify at least activities that are not associated with drinking by 5/2/20
Social Participation
Client independently will choose and participant in at least one social activity per week within 1 month
Child will tolerate unexpected touch from peers during circle time without demonstrating aggressive behaviors 80% of the time per daycare provider report
A Series of Short-Term Goals
Seated edge of bed, client will reach for clothing items at arm's length with contact guard assistance to maintain dynamic sitting by the end of the 3rd treatment session
By the 6th treatment session, client will be able to tolerate > 10 minutes of dressing activity without rest break, seated edge of bed with contact guard assistance
After skilled instruction, client will be able to don shirt sitting edge of bed using one-handed techniques with minimum verbal cues by 4/4/22
Client will be able to button shirt using a button hook with 2 or fewer cues by 7/4/22
Client will complete all upper body dressing tasks with modified independence seated edge of bed by 12/4/22 (LTG)