Client information—Name; date of birth; gender; health status; medical history; and applicable medical/educational/developmental diagnoses, precautions, and contraindications
Referral information—Date and source of referral, services requested, reason for referral, funding source, and anticipated length of service
Occupational profile—Client's reason for seeking occupational therapy services, current areas of occupation that are successful and problematic, contexts and environments that support or hinder occupations, medical/educational/work history, occupational history (e.g., patterns of living, interest, values), client's priorities, and targeted outcomes
Assessments used and results—Types of assessments used and results (e.g., interviews, record reviews, observations, standardized and/or non standardized assessments)
Analysis of occupational performance—Description of and judgment about performance skills, performance patterns, contexts and environments, activity demands, outcomes from standardized measures and/or nonstandardized assessments, and client factors that will be targeted for intervention and outcomes expected
Summary and analysis—Interpretation and summary of data as related to occupational profile and referring concern
Recommendation—Judgment regarding appropriateness of OT services or other services