the boundaries of middle age are being pushed upward, transition from work to retirement
Middle Adulthood
40-45 yrs if age and extends to about 60-65 yrs of age
Middle Age
influenced by sociocultural factors, pivotal period because it is a time of balancing growth and decline
Physical Changes - most visible sign of aging, more gradual
Height and weight - men from 30-50 yrs old lose one inch in their height then another another inch from 50-70 yrs old
Height loss for women
2 inches from 25-75 yrs old
Muscle loss
1-2% per yr after age 50, loss of strength occurs in the back and legs
age-related loss of muscle mass and strength
Vision -
Vision - difficulty viewing close objects, at 60 yrs old the retina receives only 1/3 as much light as it did 20 yrs of agey viewing close objects, at 60 yrs old the retina receives only 1/3 as much light as it did 20 yrs of age
decline by age 40, hearing loss up to 50% percent of 50 yrs olds and older
proteins in lung tissue become less elastic
Cardiovascular System
high blood pressure and high cholesterol often take adults by surprise
at 40s, wakeful periods are more frequent and less of the deepest type of sleep
Stress and Disease
Cumulative effect or stress often takes a toll on the health, can have damaging effects, can interfere with immune functioning
Mortality rate
chronic diseases are main causes of death
midlife transition in which fertility declines
menstrual period cease
Male hypogonadism
body does not produce enough testosterone
Crystallized Intelligence
accumulated information and verbal skills continues to increase in middle adulthood
Fluid Intelligence
ability to reason abstractly begins to decline in middle adulthood
decline in memory, more time needed to learn new information, changes in working memory
Work in Midlife
reach their peak in position and earnings
Religion, Spirituality and Adult lives - powerful influences for some adults but hold little or no significance for others
Adult stage theories have been plentiful and they have contributed to the view that midlife brings a crisis in development
encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation
Stagnation (self-absorption)
individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation
Generative adults
commit themselves to the continuation and improvement of society
Biological generativity
adults have offspring
Work generativity
adults develop skills that are passed down to others
Cultural generativity
adults create, renovate, or conserve some aspect of culture that ultimately survives
Levinson's Seasons of a Man's Life
transition to middle adulthood lasts about five years (40-45) requires a male with 4 major conflicts that existed since adolescence. 1. being young vs being old 2. being destructive vs being constructive 3 being masculine vs being feminine 4. being attached to others vs being separated from them
Erikson's Stage of Generativity vs Stagnation
George Vaillant - the 40s are decade of reassessing and recording the truth about the adolescent and adulthood years
Midlife crisis
triggered by life events such as job loss, financial problems, or illness
Middle Age
a time when a person's sense of control is frequently challenged
more vulnerable to stressors, more likely to be depressed
Historical Context (Cohort effects)
changing historical times and different social expectations influence how different groups born in the same year move through lifespan
Gender Contexts
midlife is a negative age period for women is stereotypical
Cultural Contexts
concept of middle age is not very clear or in some cases is absent