Medical Terminology

Cards (24)

  • a.c. = before meals (ante cibum)
  • -itis
    Indicates inflammation or infection
  • Myocardium
    The thick middle layer of the heart wall, made up of cardiac muscle cells.
  • Cardiac
    Relating to the heart.
  • Wall
    The outermost layer of the heart, consisting of the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.
  • Lamina
    A layer or sheet of tissue. In the heart, the epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium form the layers of the wall.
  • Epicardium
    The outermost layer of the heart wall, composed of loose connective tissue and fatty tissue.
  • Endocardium
    The innermost layer of the heart wall, lining the heart chambers and valves.
  • Endo-
  • Endo-
    Within the body or structure
  • Endoscope
    A flexible tube used for endoscopy
  • Endocarditis
    Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
  • ABC = aspiration, biopsy, and cytology
  • Dx = diagnosis
  • q.d = every day
  • AUSCULTATE - to listen
  • -algia
  • -ectomy
  • -emia
    Blood condition
  • -al
    Relating to
  • -ic
  • -ical
    Relating to
  • -itis
  • -osis
    Condition, state