1. Hospitalization maybe required in the following conditions: BP is equal or greater than 160/100 mmHg, Proteinuria of 3+ or 4+, Rapid weight gain, Oliguria, Visual disturbances, Abnormal fetal movement
2. Expectant management: the only cure for preeclampsia is delivery. Betamethasone to promote lung maturity
3. Fluid therapy: a crystalloid infusion is preferred, usually lactated Ringers solution or normal saline at a rate of 100 to 125 ml/hour
4. Magnesium sulfate: drug of choice to treat and prevent convulsions. Dose, nursing considerations, side effects
5. Antihypertensive: Hydralazine (Apresoline) and Labetalol (Normodyne)
6. Bed rest is one of the most important principles of care
7. Monitor patient closely: Take v/s and fht continuously, Monitor for impending signs of convulsion, Weigh daily, Laboratory tests
8. Fetal Monitoring: Fetal movement counting, Nonstress testing, Biophysical profile, Doppler flow studies
9. Safety measures: Raise padded side rails, Put bed at lowest position, Have emergency equipments available