People (kinda)

Cards (38)

  • November 8, 1895 - discovery of x-ray
  • Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - a German physicist
  • Roentgen taught at University of Wurzburg, Germany
  • Roentgen experimented with cathode rays and exploring the properties outside glass tubes. “Crooke’s Tube”
  • During his work, Roentgen observed that a screen that had been painted with barium platinocyanide was emitting light (fluorescence).
  • The “X” in x-ray was for unknown!
  • in 1901, Roentgen received the FIRST Nobel Prize in Physics.
  • Roentgen published the first medical x-ray image in early 1896.
  • Anna Bertha Ludwig – discovered first indication of the possible medical applications by hand. first xray experimentation
  • A young patient, Eddie McCarthy broke his wrist
  • William Gilbert -Studied electricity and magnetism. Invented primitive electroscope
  • Robert Boyle electricity earned him a place with serious investigators
  • Michael Faraday - electromagnetic induction,
  • Johann Wilhelm Hittorf - streams of electrons emitted from the surface of a cathode.
  • William Crookes - matter was emitted from the cathode with enough energy to rotate a wheel placed within a tube
  • Philipp Lenard - cathode rays could penetrate thin metal. Studied deflection of rays
  • William Goodspeed - Produced a radiograph in 1890
  • Richard Leach Maddox - Produced a film with a gelatin silver bromide emulsion that has remained the basic component for film.
  • George Eastman - Produced and patented roll-paper film. the basis for modernday radiography was established.
  • Roentgen - Born on March 27, 1845 in Lennep, Germany
  • 1888 Roentgen was offered employment at the University of Wurzburg
  • Pierre Curie - Noticed that the radium killed diseased cells. First suggestion of the medical utility of radioactivity.
  • Pierre and his older brother Jacques Curie demonstrated an electric potential
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel - Discovered that uranium salts emitted rays. discovered radioactivity
  • Full Name of Marie Curie - Maria Salomea Skłodowska
  • Marie Curie - Refined the knowledge of radioactivity and purified the radium metal
  • 1911, Marie Curie received Nobel Prize for her work in Chemistry
  • Marie Curie continued to study radioactivity until she became acquainted with Albert Einstein
  • Marie Curie - achievements are radioactivity, isotopes, discovery of two elements: Polonium and Radium.
  • Ernest Orlando Lawrence - invented cyclotron in 1932
  • The cyclotron is a chamber that made it possible to accelerate particles to high speeds for use as projectiles.
  • Enrico Fermi - induced a successful chain reaction in a uranium pile
  • first known radiograph produced in the U.S. was made on January 2, 1896, by Michael Pupin.
  • Clarence M. Dally - Suffered a severe x-ray burn (required amputation). Died of dose exposure
  • discovery of radioactivity by: Pierre, Marie Curie and Antoine Henri Becquerel
  • Pierre Curie noticed that the radium killed diseased cells, which was the first suggestion in medical utility of radioactivity
  • World War 1 - french military
  • full name of marie curie is Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie