Foreign Policy

Cards (8)

  • Somerset
    Focus on Scotland (difference from Henry 8th), Still wants to have a military style foreign policy, Ultimate aim: marry Edward to Mary Queen of Scots (rough wooing), Continue with Henry's will
  • Somerset Plan
    1. Wanted to defeat Scots in battle and keep control along the border by putting up English bases
    2. May be too expensive
    3. Cause tension with Scotland and England
  • Battle of Pinkie
    September 1547, Took place in Scotland, Successful at first with military and resources, Able to take a hold of Edinburgh Castle, Also successfully put pressure on Scottish government, Success doesn't last
  • Failing of Battle of Pinkie
    • Severely underestimate the Auld Alliance, France and Scotland have a strong relationship, Fail to have control of Edinburgh, Failed to keep ahold of Dunbar, This caused issues as those places were on the coastline therefore we lost trading routes, Finances caused issues, Didn't block the Firth of Forth
  • Mary Queen of Scots
    Taken to France, August 1548, Dauphin Francis, Stops the reuniting of England and Scotland, Guise family (Scottish nobility in France) have more influence
  • Problems
    • Financial strain for England - unaffordable estimate £600,000
    • Political objectives failed
    • Fear - French invasion
    • English vulnerable - 1549 England face Western and Ket rebellion
    • Heightened resentment in Privy Council
  • Northumberland
    Leader of Privy Council, He stops the war, Willing to sacrifice England's status for English stability, Wanted to decrease spending
  • Treaty of Boulogne - 1550
    Boulogne go back to France, Would gain £133,333, English garrisons returned, Edward marry a French princess