
Cards (8)

  • Economy under Somerset
    Traditionally seen as wanting to help people
  • 3 issueswith the economy
    • Inflation
    • Agrarian - enclosure and harvest
    • Taxation
  • Inflation
    Debace collins - £537,000<|>1548 bad harvest - somerset policies made no affect<|>Wages failed to kepp up<|>Rising population
  • Agrarian
    Issues with farming<|>Enclosure<|>More sheep as it is profitable<|>Sheep tax- 1549<|>John Hales (Mp)- Enclosure 'making the rich richer and the poor porter<|>1548- enclosure commission<|>Raised hopes of the poor
  • Taxation
    More sheep means more tax<|>Only rich people would have sheep<|>Tax for scottish foreign policy
  • Legislation against poverty
    1. 1547 Vagrancy act
    2. Vagrants viewed as causing rebellions
    3. Any able bodied men out of work for 3 days were sold into slavery for 2 years
    4. Branded with a V
    5. Repeate offender- execution
    6. Unpopular, refused to enforce, out of touch with people
  • Government appease the situation

    But more concerned about rebellion
  • Economic change
    Brough back a level of stability<|>Continued to debase coin but abandoned it<|>Claiming money from church<|>Comission produced which gave a detailed analysis of the shortcomings<|>He did little to resolve but he ckcked inflation and eased some of worst social tensions