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  • Habituation
    -       simplest kind of learning
    -       a phenomenon whereby “we get used” to something
    -       meaning that we know and we get used to what it is
  • Associative Learning
    -       next level of learning
    -       we form new association between a stimulus and a response (S-R Theory
  • Social/Modelling Learning
    -       Albert Bandura, most prominent social learning theorist in the United States
    -       has engaged in many experiments involving learning by observing which is otherwise known as vicarious learning or modelling, because a model is being imitated
  • Skill Learning
    -       skill, refers to the proficiency and competency in a certain kind of performance
    -       forms of skills are verbal, reading, and writing
    -       others are mechanical and athletic
    -       a well-integrated sequence of perceptual motor activities is involved in all of these
    -       three stages in learning a skill are cognition, fixation, and automation
  • Verbal Learning
    -       this kind of learning is distinctly human
    -       involves the use of words, either as stimuli or responses
    -       some forms of linguistic abilities like speaking, reading, writing, and reciting are involved in verbal learning
  • Cognitive Learning

    -       a process that we cannot observe and see is taking place
    -       involves cognitive learning like perceiving of current happenings, recalling previous experiences, thinking, reasoning, evaluating, and abstracting
    -       all mental processes are categorized here (e.g. problem solving, sign learning and concept learning)