Cards (7)

  • Acquisition
    -       phase of classical conditioning whereby the stimulus association is learned
    -       trial, the constant pairing of a conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus
  • Reinforcement
    -       refers to an event which may enhance or maintain the strength of a response
  • Extinction
    -       decrease in the strength of a conditioned response resulting from repeatedly eliciting the response in the absence of the reinforcement
  • Spontaneous Recovery
    -       a possible recurrence of an extinguished conditioned response
  • Generalization
    -       tendency of the stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit the conditioned response
  • Discrimination
    -       the opposite of generalization
    -       the process of responding to the variation or differences between stimuli
  • Higher Order Conditioning
    -       a phenomenon, which aids the individual to become flexible with his response to the environment