Fixed set of responses (true/false, yes/no, dimensional scaling)
Assessment Procedures
Objective Testing
Objective Testing
Large group testing
Computer scoring & interpretation
Single dimension or trait can be targeted
Objective & reliable
Objective Testing
Questions may be uncharacteristic of respondent
Underlying reason for behavior not evident
Mixed behaviors, unrepresentative
Distorted or lost information
Purposeful incorrect answering
Content validation
1. Define variables
2. Consult experts
3. Assess relevance with judges
4. Psychometric analysis
Content validation
Assumption of interpretation
Patient accuracy
"Expert" definitions
Empirical criterion keying
1. No assumption based on content of item
2. Those in the diagnostic group share responses
3. Empirical basis, not always rational
4. Difficult to interpret meanings
Factor analysis
1. Exploratory: Reduce to basic dimensions
2. Confirmatory: Test hypothesized structure
3. Empirical emphasis
Construct validity
Combination of approaches
Specific scales for specific concepts
Valid when scale matches target
Feedback modifies theories and measures
Self-report inventory<|>Originally to identify psychiatric diagnoses<|>Categorical organization<|>Also used to infer personality traits<|>Computerized
MMPI & MMPI-2 Validity
Test taking attitudes
Response sets
Response bias
MMPI & MMPI-2 Validity Scales
? (cannot say)
F (infrequency)
L (Lie)
K (defensiveness)
Fb (back page)
VRIN (variable response infrequency)
TRIN (true response infrequency)
Screening capabilities: Severity, Hypothesis generation, Issues of test length
Personality traits: Atheoretical test, Not developed with constructs in mind
MMPI & MMPI-2 Reliability and Validity
Difficulties in evaluating
Poor internal consistency
Incremental validity
Cutoff scores
Concerns with MMPI & MMPI-2
Non-clinical usage (e.g., personnel selection)
Necessary revisions?
Appropriate test pool?
Unclear validity
Excessive overlapping among scale items
Revised NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R)
240 items<|>5 point response scale<|>Five factor model: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness
Revised NEO-Personality (NEO-PI-R)
Rational-empirical test
Reverse scoring
Strong reliability & stability
Relevant to psychological disorders
Revised NEO-Personality
Lack of validity scales
Need for more demonstration of clinical relevance
Treatment planning
Psychometric criticisms
Projective Testing
Procedure for discovering a person's characteristic modes of behavior by observing behavior in response to a situation that does not elicit or compel a specific response
Projective Testing
Examinee imposes own structure
Unstructured stimulus
Indirect methodology
Freedom of response
Many variables to rate
Projective Testing Standardization
Benefits: Facilitation of communication, Established norms
Issues: Misleading descriptions, Too many variables
Projective Testing Reliability
Test retest, Split half issues
Projective Testing Validity
Must be specific in what is predicted
Projective Testing
Examinee imposes own structure
Unstructured stimulus
Indirect methodology
Freedom of response
Many variables to rate
Standardization (of Projective Testing)
Facilitation of communication<|>Established norms
Issues with Standardization (of Projective Testing)
Misleading descriptions<|>Too many variables
Reliability (of Projective Testing)
Test retest
Split half issues
Validity (of Projective Testing)
Must be specific in what is predicted
Rorschach inkblots
1. Card is shown, responses offered & noted
2. Evaluation and rating of answers
Rorschach inkblot scoring
Location<|>Content<|>Determinants<|>Popular/original answers<|>Exner's Comprehensive system of scoring
Rorschach inkblot scoring is a research based approach with psychometric data
Reliability (of Rorschach)
Facing challenges
Lacks retest studies
Reliability of clinicians' interpretations
Validity (of Rorschach)
Anecdotal accounts vs. empirical research
When is the test most useful?
Environmental conditions, and influence on interpretations
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Reveals personality characteristics<|>Interpretation to stories about pictures<|>Infers psychological needs, themes, interpersonal styles<|>Rarely formally scored<|>Subjective instrument
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) administration
1. 6-12 pictures selected
2. Examinee creates story
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) scoring
Less emphasis on quantified system<|>Avoids distortion<|>Lacks empirical data
Reliability (of TAT)
Difficult to evaluate
Must rely on judges' interpretation
Validity (of TAT)
Comparisons to case data & therapist evaluations
Matching techniques & analysis of protocol
Comparison of clinical diagnoses & judgment
Principles of interpretation
Rotter Sentence Blank
7 point scale<|>Varied for youth<|>Objective scoring, free response<|>Cognitive & behavioral assessment, in some sense
Illusory Correlation
Clinicians learn false association of test responses to specific characteristics over time