Fuels (matter that stores energy) are used in the modern world that can produce heat, power life, move objects, generate electrical energy, or for other forms of energy conversion processes
Uses lenses and mirrors to focus (concentrate) sunlight from a large area into a much smaller one; this intense area of radiation heats a fluid, which in turn generates electricity or fuels another process
A biomass feedstock is heated more then 700 degrees Celsius (1,300 degrees Fahrenheit) with a controlled amount of oxygen, the molecules break down, and produce syngas and slag
Also known as conventional (traditional) energy resources, cannot be replenished when these sources are exhausted because these resources are present in limited amounts and take a long period of time to resynthesize
Originally found as a solid material between layers of sedimentary rock, like shale, liquid mixture of hydrocarbons formed from the decomposed remains of marine organisms, heated to produce thick oil that can be used to make gasoline
Gas mixture of hydrocarbons formed from the decomposed remains of marine organisms, can also be found in sedimentary rocks layers that don't contain oil, primarily made up of methane
Energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom, produced by the nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reaction which starts with the decay of radioactive elements like uranium, thorium, radium, etc.
Uranium is the fuel most widely used to produce nuclear energy since uranium atoms split apart relatively easily, the specific type of uranium (U-235) used is rare
Heavy atomic nucleus is bombarded with a neutron, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei, releasing neutrons and a significant amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation, this chain reaction powers nuclear reactors
Lighter atomic nuclei, typically isotopes of hydrogen, are forced together under extreme temperatures and pressure, if they overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged protons, they fuse into a heavier nucleus, releasing neutrons and a tremendous amount of energy