Ionic Substances - Melting Point and Boiling Point
ionicsubstances have high melting and boilingpoints since ioniccompounds have giant ionic crystal latticestructure. The positive and negativeions in the lattice are heldtogether by strong electrostatic forces of attraction, so a lot of energy is required to overcome strong electrostatic forces of attraction
the greater the charge of the ions, the stronger the electrostatic forces of attraction, therefore higher melting and boilingpoint
Ionic Substances - ElectricalConductivity
most ioniccompounds are soluble in water but insoluble in organicsolvents
ionic compounds canconductelectricity in molten and aqueousstate
When an ioniccompound is in solidstate, the ions are heldtogether in the giantlatticestructure by strongelectrostaticforces of attraction. Thus ionscannotmovearound and cannotact as mobile chargecarriers, so cannotconductelectricity
When an ioniccompound is in molten or aqueousstate, the ionsmovefreely and act as mobilechargecarriers and thus canconductelectricity