Unit 6 - Contingent & Quasi Contracts

Cards (7)

  • Absolute contract

    A contract where the promisor undertakes to perform or not to do something without any condition or collateral event
  • Contingent contract
    A contract to do or not to do something if some event does or does not happen
  • Contingent contract
    • The performance of the contract would depend upon the happening or non-happening of some event
    • The event on which the performance is to depend, is not the mere will of the promiser
    • The event must be certain - either bound to happen or bound not to happen
  • Enforcement of contingent contracts

    1. Based on happening of an event (Sec-32)
    2. Based on non-happening of an event (Sec. 33)
    3. Based on behaviour within specified time (Sec. 34)
    4. Based on happening of an event within specified time (Sec.35)
    5. Based on non-happening of an event within specified time (Sec.35)
  • Quasi contracts

    Legal rights and obligations imposed by law although the parties never entered into a contract
  • Quasi contracts
    • Based on principles of equity, justice and good conscience
    • A person must not grow rich at the expense of another
  • Types of quasi contracts
    • Claims for necessities supplied to an incompetent person (Sec 68)
    • Right to recover money paid for another (Sec 69)
    • Obligation of person enjoying benefits of non-gratuitous act (Sec 70)
    • Responsibility of finder of goods (Sec 71)
    • Liability for money paid by mistake or under coercion (Sec 72)