The idea that mind and body are 2 separate entities
Mind is governed by free will
Body is governed by physical law
Rene Descartes
Helped to weaken the belief that the body and mind do not interact
Rene Descartes' view
Mind and body have mutual interaction
Mind could be modelled in mechanistic models same as explaining physical systems such as astronomy and physics
Associated with thought and perception of the external world
The problem is how to develop a method to study thought and perception
Ernst Weber
Presented an extensive experimental exploration of the sensory phenomenology of tactile experience
Coined the phrase 'just noticeable difference' (JND)
Provided an existence proof for the possibility of establishing quantitative relationships between variations in physical and mental events
Weber's Law
Just-noticeable difference (jnd) increases with the increases in the magnitude of the standard stimulus
Detectable and undetectable weight differences
300g, 310g, 320g (detectable)
300g, 303g, 308g (undetectable)
600g, 620g, 640g (detectable)
600g, 610g, 615g (undetectable)
Gustav Fechner
Pioneer in experimental psychology and founder of psychophysics
Studied the relationship between stimulus intensity and subjective experience (detection) of the stimulus
Popularized the Weber Law
Fechner tried to find an absolute threshold or benchmark or baseline of all the senses
Hermann von Helmholtz
Pioneer in experimental psychology and founder of psychophysiology
Used physiological procedures on animals to measure the reaction time of nerves to produce muscle twitches, then estimated the speed of nervous transmission in humans
Anticipated much of later top-down cognitive psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
Generally acknowledged as a founder of experimental psychology and cognitive psychology
Wrote Principles of Physiological Psychology (1874)
Set up the first two psychological laboratories in the world
Introduced Introspection
A process that allows us to know our inner functioning through what we can gather about the functioning of the external world
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Systematic and careful approach to the study of memory
Demonstrated that higher cognitive processes could also be studied scientifically
Developed methodology to bring the study of memory out of philosophy and into the realm of empirical science
Meaningless stimuli are more difficult to memorize than meaningful stimuli
Relearning is easier than initial learning, and that it takes longer to forget material after each subsequent re-learning
Learning is more effective when it is spaced out over time rather than crammed into a single marathon study session
Forgetting happens most rapidly right after learning occurs and slows down over time